Thursday, March 6, 2008

Scribe Post For Monday March 3, 2008

Hey everyone it's Robert here and I'm picking up some slack for Monday's scribe post.

On Monday we came into class with a nice start to the week. We got to watch a movie on momentum. We were instructed by Mrs. K to take down 5 points that we learned during the movie. These are the ones that i took down just in case someone missed out:

- the higher the mass of an object moving at the same speed, the more momentum

- momentum=m*v

- a = F/m a=chg in v/t
F t = chg in (m*v)
F t = delta m*v
impulse = delta momentum

- doubling the time of the force, doubles the momentum

- you can change the momentum of an object with an impulse (big force, small time) or (smaller force, longer time)

- short time to stop object means larger force

- Big time to stop object means smaller force

Well that is it for this scribe and I'll see you guys back in class tomorrow. The scribe for today with choose tomorrow's scribe.

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