Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Scribe

So, for this physics class on this lovely, beautiful...Wednesday, We had a substitute teacher (and I know it’s not the Ukrainian Easter), anyhow I believe his name was Mr. “B” and he claimed to know about physics and he sure sounded like it. First, we went over the Gravitational Potential Energy Questions that not many people managed to accomplish Tuesday night. I will not type out every step so people can learn them for there selves, but I will give the answers so the people who weren’t here today, (when I say everyone, I clearly mean Kevin).

So here are the answers:
1. 3.13 x 10 ^ 10 joules
2. -2.36 x 10 ^ 9 joules
3. 2.89 x 10 ^10 joules
4. 2.36 x 10 ^ 9 joules
5. 1.18 x 10 ^ 11 joules

After we finished off with the worksheet, we were showered with a thousand more... a booklet titled 14.5 Escape Speed, and two others with a number of questions called Universal Law of gravity and Gravitational Field’s worksheet. So I’m assuming that we are supposed to have those done for like Thursday and Friday BECAUSE OUR PRESENTATIONS ARE DUE:


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